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Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 921, 16 octubre 2023. ilus., tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526591


INTRODUCCIÓN. La nefropatía por poliomavirus BK resulta un problema emergente en el trasplante renal, pues contribuye a la pérdida temprana de los injertos renales. OBJETIVO. Caracterizar clínicamente a los pacientes trasplantados renales con nefropatía por poliomavirus BK. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, realizado en el Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en el período 2013-2022, se obtuvo una base de datos anonimizada, 479 pacientes trasplantados renales, de estos se identificaron 37 pacientes que corresponde a un 7,7% con nefropatía por poliomavirus BK, se realizó un análisis con el programa estadístico SPSS v26®. RESULTADOS. La población estuvo caracterizada por pacientes del sexo masculino (56,8%), con una edad media de 48,2 años, el donante cadavérico fue el más frecuente (94,5%), la mayor parte del tratamiento de la nefropatía por poliomavirus BK consistió en cambio de micofenolato sódico a everolimus y se mantuvo con 50% de Tacrolimus y Prednisona (40,5%); al valorar el cambio de los valores de creatinina, los niveles más elevados fueros a los 12 meses cuando la pérdida renal fue temprana (p: 0,042), y de la misma manera a los 12 meses, fueron más elevados los niveles de creatinina cuando el diagnóstico histopatológico fue Nefropatía por Poliomavirus Clase 3 (p: 0,01). DISCUSIÓN. La prevalencia de la nefropatía se mantuvo por debajo del 10% reportado a nivel global, la creatinina empeoró en pacientes con pérdida temprana del injerto renal y con una clase patológica avanzada, hecho reportado en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIÓN. La pérdida del injerto renal temprano presentó una creatinina más alta que la tardía. Es recomendable un tamizaje adecuado para la detección temprana del virus BK siendo crucial para prevenir el deterioro de la función renal y limitar la posterior pérdida del injerto.

INTRODUCTION: BK polyomavirus nephropathy is emerging as a significant concern in kidney transplantation, as it contributes to the early loss of renal grafts. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to clinically characterize renal transplant recipients with BK polyomavirus nephropathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational and descriptive study was conducted at Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital during the period of 2013 to 2022. An anonymized database comprising 479 renal transplant patients was utilized. Among these, 37 patients, constituting 7.7%, were identified with BK polyomavirus nephropathy. Data analysis was performed using the statistical program SPSS v26®. RESULTS: The study population was predominantly composed of male patients (56.8%) with a mean age of 48.2 years. Deceased donors accounted for the majority (94.5%) of cases. The primary approach for managing BK polyomavirus nephropathy involved transitioning from mycophenolate sodium to everolimus, alongside maintaining a regimen of 50% tacrolimus and 40.5% prednisone. When assessing changes in creatinine values, the highest levels were observed at 12 months, coinciding with early renal loss (p: 0.042). Similarly, at the 12-month mark, elevated creatinine levels were associated with a histopathological diagnosis of Polyomavirus nephropathy Class 3 (p: 0.01). DISCUSSION: The prevalence of nephropathy remained below the globally reported threshold of 10%. Creatinine levels worsened in patients experiencing early graft loss and an advanced pathological classification, aligning with established disease pathophysiology. CONCLUSION: Early renal graft loss was associated with higher creatinine levels compared to delayed loss. Adequate screening for early detection of BK virus is recommended, as it plays a crucial role in preventing renal function deterioration and limiting subsequent graft loss.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Kidney Transplantation , BK Virus , Viral Load , Creatinine , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Immunosuppressive Agents , Tissue Donors , Polyomavirus , Ecuador , Kidney Diseases
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 865, 30 Junio 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451331


INTRODUCCIÓN. La sepsis es un estado de disfunción multisistémica, que se produce por una respuesta desregulada del huésped a la infección. Diversos factores influyen en la gravedad, manifestaciones clínicas y progresión de la sepsis, tales como, heterogeneidad inmunológica y regulación dinámica de las vías de señalización celular. La evolución de los pacientes depende del tratamiento oportuno, las escalas de puntuación clínica permiten saber la mortalidad estimada. OBJETIVO. Evaluar la mortalidad en la unidad de cuidados intensivos; establecer el manejo y la utilidad de aplicar paquetes de medidas o "bundlers" para evitar la progresión a disfunción, fallo multiorgánico y muerte. METODOLOGÍA. Modalidad de investigación tipo revisión sistemática. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como Google académico, Mendeley, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, revistas como New England Journal Medicine, Critical Care, Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal. Se obtuvo las guías "Sobreviviendo a la sepsis" actualización 2021, 3 guías internacionales, 10 estudios observacionales, 2 estudios multicéntricos, 5 ensayos aleatorizados, 6 revisiones sistémicas, 5 metaanálisis, 1 reporte de caso clínico, 4 artículos con opiniones de expertos y actualizaciones con el tema mortalidad de la sepsis en UCI con un total de 36 artículos científicos. RESULTADOS. La mortalidad de la sepsis en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, fue menor en el hospital oncológico de Guayaquil, seguido de Australia, Alemania, Quito, Francia, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Vietnan, La mortalidad más alta se observa en pacientes con enfermedades del tejido conectivo. DISCUSIÓN. La aplicación de los paquetes de medidas o "bundlers" en la sepsis, se asocia con una mejor supervivencia y menores días de estancia hospitalaria. CONCLUSIÓN. Las escalas SOFA, APACHE II y SAPS II ayudan a predecir la mortalidad de forma eficiente, en la detección y el tratamiento temprano en pacientes con enfermedades agudas y de alto riesgo.

INTRODUCTION. Sepsis is a state of multisystem dysfunction, which is caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Several factors influence the severity, clinical manifestations and progression of sepsis, such as immunological heterogeneity and dynamic regulation of cell signaling pathways. The evolution of patients depends on timely treatment, clinical scoring scales allow to know the estimated mortality. OBJECTIVE. To evaluate mortality in the intensive care unit; to establish the management and usefulness of applying bundlers to prevent progression to dysfunction, multiorgan failure and death. METHODOLOGY. Systematic review type research modality. A bibliographic search was carried out in databases such as Google Scholar, Mendeley, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, journals such as New England Journal Medicine, Critical Care, Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal. We obtained the guidelines "Surviving Sepsis" update 2021, 3 international guidelines, 10 observational studies, 2 multicenter studies, 5 randomized trials, 6 systemic reviews, 5 meta-analyses, 1 clinical case report, 4 articles with expert opinions and updates on the subject of sepsis mortality in ICU with a total of 36 scientific articles. RESULTS. The mortality of sepsis in the intensive care unit, was lower in the oncological hospital of Guayaquil, followed by Australia, Germany, Quito, France, United States of America and Vietnam, The highest mortality is observed in patients with connective tissue diseases. DISCUSSION. The application of bundlers in sepsis is associated with better survival and shorter days of hospital stay. CONCLUSIONS. The SOFA, APACHE II and SAPS II scales help to predict mortality efficiently in the early detection and treatment of patients with acute and high-risk disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Tertiary Healthcare , Hospital Mortality , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome , Sepsis , Organ Dysfunction Scores , Intensive Care Units , Vasodilator Agents , Drug Resistance, Multiple , Candida glabrata , Candida tropicalis , Ecuador , Hypotension , Immunosuppressive Agents , Multiple Organ Failure
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 825, 30 Junio 2023. tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451750


INTRODUCCIÓN. La enfermedad renal crónica es definida como la pérdida progresiva, permanente e irreversible de la función renal, uno de los tratamientos es el trasplante renal el mismo que aumenta la calidad de vida de los pacientes que presentan esta patología, sin embargo, a pesar de ser uno de las mejores terapias no está exento de complicaciones especialmente las que se presentan posterior al acto quirúrgico ya que afectan al buen funcionamiento del injerto y afecta la supervivencia del mismo. OBJETIVO. Determinar la prevalencia de complicaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas en el postrasplante renal inmediato con el fin de identificar las principales complicaciones que ocasionan mayor deterioro en la función renal a corto plazo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Estudio Observacional descriptivo transversal, de pacientes trasplantados que se encuentran en seguimiento desde enero del 2015 hasta diciembre del 2018 en el servicio de Trasplante renal del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín. La muestra será los 211 pacientes trasplantados de donante cadavérico. Los análisis se realizaron con el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS versión 25, para lo cual se empleó estadísticas descriptivas, utilizando tablas y representando los valores absolutos y relativos de las variables cualitativas, así como medidas de tendencia central y de variabilidad para las variables cuantitativas. RESULTADOS. Se estudiaron 193 pacientes trasplantados de los cuales el 49.66% tuvieron complicaciones, de los mismos el 33.16% fueron complicaciones clínicas y 16,5% complicaciones quirúrgicas; de las clínicas la infección de tracto urinario fueron las más prevalentes con 15%, seguida por el rechazo agudo 6,7%, las infecciones por virus poliomavirus BK fueron un porcentaje de 6,2%, la necrosis tubular aguda el 3,16% terminando con el rechazo hiperagudo en el 1,5% y la toxicidad por calcineurínicos 1,04%. Mientras tanto las complicaciones quirúrgicas las urológicas son las más prevalentes 8,8% seguida por las colecciones liquidas con el 6,74% finalmente la trombosis vascular con el 1,04%. CONCLUSIONES. Las complicaciones más prevalentes son las clínicas vs las quirúrgicas, afectando de igual forma la función renal al año sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa.

INTRODUCTION. Chronic kidney disease is defined as the progressive, permanent and irreversible loss of renal function, one of the treatments is renal transplantation, which increases the quality of life of patients with this pathology, however, despite being one of the best therapies, it is not free of complications, especially those that occur after surgery, since they affect the proper functioning of the graft and affect its survival. OBJECTIVE. To determine the prevalence of clinical and surgical complications in immediate post-renal transplantation in order to identify the main complications that cause greater deterioration in short-term renal function. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Cross-sectional descriptive observational study, of transplanted patients under follow-up from January 2015 to December 2018 in the Renal Transplant service of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín. The sample will be the 211 cadaveric donor transplanted patients. The analyses were performed with the IBM SPSS version 25 statistical package, for which descriptive statistics were used, using tables and representing the absolute and relative values of qualitative variables, as well as measures of central tendency and variability for quantitative variables. RESULTS. We studied 193 transplanted patients of whom 49.66% had complications, of which 33. Of the clinical complications, urinary tract infection was the most prevalent with 15%, followed by acute rejection 6.7%, polyomavirus BK infections were 6.2%, acute tubular necrosis 3.16%, ending with hyperacute rejection in 1.5% and calcineurin toxicity 1.04%. Meanwhile, urological surgical complications are the most prevalent 8.8% followed by liquid collections with 6.74% and finally vascular thrombosis with 1.04%. CONCLUSIONS. The most prevalent complications are clinical vs. surgical, affecting renal function at one year with no statistically significant difference.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Postoperative Complications , Lymphocele , Kidney Transplantation , Venous Thrombosis , Urinoma , Graft Rejection , Mortality , Ecuador , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Immunosuppressive Agents , Kidney Function Tests
Journal of Southern Medical University ; (12): 1204-1213, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987037


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the value of Improved Mayo Endoscopic Score (IMES) for evaluation of treatment efficacy for active ulcerative colitis (UC).@*METHODS@#We retrospectively analyzed the clinical and endoscopic data of 103 patients diagnosed with active UC in Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital from January, 2015 to December, 2020. The severity of endoscopic lesions was determined by Mayo Endoscopic Score and the Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity (UCEIS), and the area of the endoscopic lesions was evaluated based on the Montreal classification system. The IMES was established by combining the MES with the Montreal classification.@*RESULTS@#Univariate analysis suggested that young patients (<40 years old), patients with extensive disease type (E3), patients with high endoscopic scores (MES=3, UCEIS>4, and IMES>4), and patients receiving advanced drug therapy (with systemic hormones, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, and biological agents, etc.) had lower clinical and endoscopic remission rates. COX survival analysis showed that IMES≤4 was an independent risk factor for clinical and endoscopic remission. ROC curve indicated that the predictive value of IMSE≤4 for clinical and endoscopic remission (AUC=0.7793 and 0.7095, respectively; P<0.01) was better than that of Montreal (AUC=0.7357 and 0.6847, respectively; P<0.01), MES=2 (AUC=0.6671 and 0.5929, respectively; P<0.01), and UCEIS≤4 (AUC=0.6823 and 0.6459, respectively; P<0.01); IMES=5 had a better predictive value for patients with active UC undergoing colectomy tham E3 and MES=3.@*CONCLUSION@#IMES has good value in evaluating treatment efficacy for active UC.

Humans , Adult , Colitis, Ulcerative , Retrospective Studies , Endoscopy , Immunosuppressive Agents , Treatment Outcome
Journal of Southern Medical University ; (12): 1047-1050, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987021


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the value of pharmacogenetic testing for improving the efficacy and safety of treatment with cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and cyclophosphamide (CTX) for PLA2R-related membranous nephropathy and for determing individualized and precise treatment plans for the patients.@*METHODS@#A total of 63 patients with PLA2R-related membranous nephropathy hospitalized in the Department of Nephrology at our hospital from January, 2019 to October, 2021 were enrolled in this study. Thirty-three of the patients underwent pharmacogenetic testing before taking the immunosuppressive drugs selected based on the results of genetic screening for sensitive targets, and the other 30 patients were empirically given immunosuppressive drugs according to the guidelines (control group). The clinical efficacy and adverse effects of the immunosuppressive drugs were analyzed for all the patients. The two groups of patients were compared for demographic and biochemical parameters including 24-h urine protein, serum albumin, renal function, and serum anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody both before and at 3 months after the beginning of the treatment.@*RESULTS@#Among the 33 patients undergoing pharmacogenetic testing, 51.5% showed a GG genotype for cyclosporine, and 61.6% had an AG genotype for tacrolimus; for CTX, 51.5% of the patients showed a homozygous deletion and 63.6% had an AA genotype. After treatment for 3 months, serum anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody, 24-h urine protein, and serum albumin levels were significantly improved in pharmacogenetic testing group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Individualized and precise administration of immunosuppressive drugs based on pharmacogenetic testing better controls proteinuria and serum antiphospholipase A2 receptor antibodies and increases serum albumin level in patients with PLA2R-related membranous nephropathy.

Humans , Autoantibodies , Cyclosporine/therapeutic use , Glomerulonephritis, Membranous/diagnosis , Homozygote , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Pharmacogenomic Testing , Receptors, Phospholipase A2 , Sequence Deletion , Serum Albumin , Tacrolimus/therapeutic use
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 620-625, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985919


Objective: To investigate the long-term outcomes and risk factors in children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS). Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on newly onset SSNS admitted to the Department of Pediatrics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from January 2006 to December 2010 and 105 cases with follow-up for more than 10 years were included. Clinical data including general characteristics, clinical manifestation, laboratory tests, treatment and prognosis. The primary outcome was the clinical cure, and the secondary outcomes were relapse or ongoing immunosuppressive treatment within the last 1 year of follow-up and complications at the last follow-up. According to the primary outcome, the patients were divided into clinical cured group and uncured group. Categorical variables were compared between 2 groups using the χ2 or Fisher exact test, and continuous variables by t or Mann-Whitney U test. Multiple Logistic regression models were used for multivariate analysis. Results: Of the 105 children with SSNS, the age of onset was 3.0 (2.1, 5.0) years, and 82 (78.1%) were boys, 23(21.9%) were girls. The follow-up time was (13.1±1.4) years; 38 patients (36.2%) had frequently relapsing or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome (FRNS or SDNS) and no death or progression to end-stage kidney disease. Eighty-eight patients (83.8%) were clinically cured. Seventeen patients (16.2%) did not reach the clinical cure criteria, and 14 patients (13.3%) had relapsed or ongoing immunosuppressive treatment within the last year of follow-up. The proportion of FRNS or SDNS (12/17 vs. 29.5% (26/88), χ2=10.39), the proportion of treatment with second-line immunosuppressive therapy (13/17 vs. 18.2% (16/88), χ2=21.39), and the level of apolipoprotein A1 at onset ((2.0±0.5) vs. (1.7±0.6) g/L, t=2.02) in the uncured group were higher than those in the clinical cured group (all P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that patients treated with immunosuppressive therapy had an increased risk of not reaching clinical cure in the long term (OR=14.63, 95%CI 4.21-50.78, P<0.001). Of the 55 clinically cured patients who had relapsed, 48 patients (87.3%) did not relapse after 12 years of age. The age at last follow-up was 16.4 (14.6, 18.9) years, and 34 patients (32.4%) were ≥18 years of age. Among the 34 patients who had reached adulthood, 5 patients (14.7%) still relapsed or ongoing immunosuppressive treatment within the last year of follow-up. At the last follow-up, among the 105 patients, 13 still had long-term complications, and 8 patients were FRNS or SDNS. The proportion of FRNS or SDNS patients with short stature, obesity, cataracts, and osteoporotic bone fracture was 10.5% (4/38), 7.9% (3/38), 5.3% (2/38), and 2.6% (1/38), respectively. Conclusions: The majority of SSNS children were clinically cured, indicating a favorable long-term prognosis. History of treatment with second-line immunosuppressive therapy was the independent risk factor for patients not reaching the clinical cure criteria in the long term. While it is not uncommon for children with SSNS to persist into adulthood. The prevention and control of long-term complications of FRNS or SDNS patients should be strengthened.

Male , Female , Humans , Child , Nephrotic Syndrome/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Hospitalization , Hospitals , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 823-829, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982136


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the efficacy of eltrombopag combined with cyclosporine A (CsA) and CsA alone in patients with transfusion-dependent non-severe aplastic anemia (TD-NSAA).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 76 patients with treatment-naive TD-NSAA in Ningde Municipal Hospital of Ningde Normal University and Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University from December 2017 to June 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 45 cases were treated with eltrombopag combined with CsA, and 31 patients with compatible baseline characters were treated with CsA alone. The efficacy of patients between the two groups was compared, and the factors affecting the curative effects were also analyzed.@*RESULTS@#There were significant differences in hematological response (HR) and complete response(CR) rates between the two groups at 3, 6, 12 months, and follow-up endpoint of treatment (P<0.05). With the prolongation of eltrombopag treatment time, the curative effect increased gradually, and the patients achieved more CR and HR rates by the end of the follow-up period. Simultaneously, with the increase in the maximum stable dose of eltrombopag, the HR rate increased gradually. The megakaryocyte count in eltrombopag group was higher than that in control at 6 and 12 months (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the median time of platelet transfusion independence in eltrombopag group was more shorter (P=0.018), and the median platelets transfusion volume was lower (P=0.009). At 3, 6, 12 months after eltrombopag, the change of platelet in eltrombopag group was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). Analysis of related factors affecting the efficacy showed that sex, age, iron overload, platelet count before treatment had no effect on the efficacy, and the median maximum stable dosage and the administration period for eltrombopag were related to the curative effect. The patients of eltrombopag group experienced adverse events of varying degrees, but the reactions were mild and mostly tolerated.@*CONCLUSION@#Eltrombopag can effectively improve the hematopoietic response and promote platelet recovery for TD-NSAA patients with relatively more residual hematopoietic cells, and it is safe and well tolerated.

Humans , Anemia, Aplastic/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Cyclosporine/therapeutic use , Immunosuppression Therapy , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1512052


No período de pós Transplante Renal (TxR) o uso de imunossupressores é indicado. Seu uso crônico se associa a alterações endocrinometabólicas e do estado nutricional. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional de pacientes com Doenças Renais Crônicas (DRC) submetidos ao transplante renal. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com pessoas que vivem com a DRC, submetidas ao TxR, no período mínimo de 6 (seis) meses. Coletou-se dados socioeconômicos, demográficos, antecedentes clínicos e antropométricos. Feita análise estatística dos dados e determinada a média e desvio padrão das variáveis numéricas. Verificou-se a normalidade dos dados pelo teste de Shapiro Wilk. Para variáveis não-paramétricas, foi aplicado teste de U-Mann-Whitney. Para variáveis categóricas, foi realizada análise descritiva. A comparação foi feita por Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste Exato de Fisher. Foi adotado p<0,05. Resultados: Ao avaliar 52 pacientes observou-se interação significativa entre o sexo feminino e o ganho de peso (p=0,02). A eutrofia foi prevalente segundo o Índice de massa corporal IMC (48,08%), entretanto, a adequação da CB, CMB e AMBC apontou relevantes percentuais de desnutrição. Aumento da incidência de diabetes (5,77% vs 30,77%) e de dislipidemia (3,85% vs 17,31%) no período pós TxR. Conclusão: O ganho de peso se associou significativamente ao sexo feminino. Verificou-se que mesmo diante da prevalência de eutrofia ao avaliar o IMC, a desnutrição foi presente ao se classificar as adequações das circunferências corporais

In the period after Renal Transplantation (KTx) the use of immunosuppressants is indicated, their chronic use is associated with endocrine-metabolic alterations and nutritional status. Objective: Evaluate the nutritional status of patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) after kidney transplantation. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, carried out with people living with CKD, submitted to KTx, for a minimum period of 6 (six) months. Data on socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and anthropometric background were collected. Statistical analysis of the data was performed and the mean and standard deviation of numerical variables were determined. Data normality was verified by the Shapiro Wilk test. For non-parametric variables, U-Mann-Whitney´s test was applied. For categorical variables, descriptive analysis was performed. Comparison was performed using Pearson's chi-square or Fisher's test. The results were discussed at the 5% level of significance. Results: When assessing 52 patients, a significant interaction was observed between female gender and weight gain. (p=0,02). Eutrophy was prevalent according to BMI(48,08%) However, the adequacy of the MAC, MAMC and AMA presented relevant percentages of malnutrition. Increased incidence of diabetes (5,77% vs 30,77%) and dyslipidemia (3,85% vs 17,31%) in the period after KTx. Conclusion: The weight gain was significantly associated with female gender. It was found that even in the face of the prevalence of eutrophy when assessing BMI, malnutrition was present when classifying the adequacy of body circumferences

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Kidney Transplantation , Postoperative Period , Weight Gain , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effects
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1511499


O desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica após o transplante renal (TxR) é evidenciado na literatura e se caracteriza por alterações que conferem a redução da função do enxerto. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a prevalência da síndrome metabólica e identificar variáveis que se associam à síndrome metabólica em receptores de TxR tardio. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico realizado com pacientes receptores de TxR. Foram incluídos participantes com idade superior ou igual a 18 anos, receptores de TxR tardio em acompanhamento superior a 6 meses. A análise descritiva dos dados foi expressa por médias, desvio padrão, medianas e percentuais. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk ao nível de 5% de significância. Aplicou-se o teste de comparação de médias para duas amostras independentes, teste t de Student. Foi utilizado o teste de correlação de Pearson para avaliar as possíveis relações existentes entre a variável tempo pós TxR com as outras variáveis de interesse. Resultados: Ao avaliar 43 pacientes com idade média de 50,9 ± 9,8 anos, notou-se que a síndrome metabólica esteve presente em 53,85% dos voluntários e que se associou ao peso prévio (p= 0,018), concentrações séricas de triglicerídeos (p= 0,001), menores médias de HDL (p= 0,053) e, também, foi verificada uma associação marginal com a circunferência da cintura (p= 0,051). A SM foi prevalente no período pós TxR. Ainda, as maiores médias de peso prévio ao TxR, de circunferência da cintura, de triglicerídeos e as menores médias de HDL se associaram à SM

The onset of metabolic syndrome (MS) after kidney transplantation (KTx) is evidenced in the literature and this is characterized by alterations that confer a reduction in the function of the transplantation. Objective: The aim of this research is to describe the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and to identify the variables that are associated with the metabolic syndrome in recipients of belated KTx. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study carried out with patients receiving KTx. Participants aged 18 years or older, recipients of late KTx with follow-up longer than 6 months, were included. The descriptive analysis of the data was expressed as means, standard deviation, medians and percentages. Data normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test at a 5% significance level. The mean comparison test was applied for two independent samples, Student's t test. Pearson's correlation test was used to assess possible association between the variable time after KTx and the other variables of interest. Results: Forty-three patients with a mean age of 50.9 ± 9.8 years were evaluated and metabolic syndrome was present in 53.85% of the volunteers. There was an association with previous weight (p= 0.018), serum triglyceride concentrations (p= 0.001) and lower HDL means (p= 0.053) and and a marginal association with waist circumference (p=0,0051). MS was prevalent in the post-KTx period. Furthermore, the highest means of weight prior to KTx, waist circumference, TG and the lowest means of HDL were associated with MS

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus , Transplant Recipients , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effects , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Cient. Esc. Estadual Saúde Pública de Goiás Cândido Santiago ; 9 (Ed. Especial, 1ª Oficina de Elaboração de Pareceres Técnicos Científicos (PTC): 9e8, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1524065


Belimumabe, rituximabe, terapia imunossupressora. Indicação: Nefrite lúpica nos estágios III, IV, V, refratária à terapia imunossupressora. Pergunta: Belimumabe é eficaz (remissão da nefrite, normalização da perda da função renal, qualidade de vida) e seguro (descontinuação devido a eventos adversos totais e eventos adversos graves) para o tratamento de pacientes com nefrite lúpica refratária nos estágios III, IV, V em comparação aos medicamentos disponíveis no Sistema Único de Saúde? Objetivo: Avaliar a segurança e eficácia do belimumabe em comparação com os medicamentos disponíveis no Sistema Único de Saúde em pacientes adultos com nefrite lúpica. Métodos: Revisão rápida de revisões sistemáticas. Levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado nas bases de dados PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, EPISTEMONIKOS, Cochrane Library e em registros de revisões sistemáticas e ensaios clínicos. Seguiu estratégias de buscas predefinidas. Foi feita avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos através da ferramenta AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Resultados: Foram selecionadas duas revisões sistemáticas que atendiam aos critérios de elegibilidade, mas nenhum ensaio clínico foi escolhido, pois não atendiam aos critérios de inclusão. Conclusão: a terapia combinada de belimumabe, ou de rituximabe, com tratamento imunossupressor padrão é mais eficaz que o tratamento padrão para alcançar remissão clínica da nefrite lúpica. A terapia combinada é tão segura quanto o tratamento padrão. Belimumabe e rituximabe tem eficácia similar entre si

Belimumab, rituximab, and immunosuppressive therapy. Indication: Refractory lupus nephritis to immunosuppressive therapy in stages III, IV, V. Question: Is belimumab effective (for remission of nephritis, normalization of loss of renal function, quality of life) and safe (for discontinuation due to total adverse events and serious adverse events) in the treatment of patients with refractory lupus nephritis in stages III, IV, V compared to the drugs available in the Brazilian Public Health System? Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of belimumab compared to drugs available in the Brazilian Public Health System in adult patients with lupus nephritis. Methods: Rapid review of systematic reviews. A bibliographic search was done in the PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, EPISTEMONIKOS, Cochrane Library databases and in records of systematic reviews and clinical trials. It has followed predefined search strategies. The methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated using the AMSTAR-2 tool (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Results: Two systematic reviews were selected, which met the eligibility criteria, but no clinical trials were chosen, as they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: Combination therapy of belimumab or rituximab with standard immunosuppressive treatment is more effective than standard treatment in achieving clinical remission of lupus nephritis. Combination therapy is as safe as standard treatment. Belimumab and rituximab have similar efficacy to each other

Humans , Male , Female , Lupus Nephritis/drug therapy , Rituximab/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Remission Induction , Antibodies, Monoclonal
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1451819


Tecnologia: Dupilumabe e upadacitinibe. Comparadores: Azatioprina, metotrexato, ciclosporina, micofenolato de mofetila. Indicação: Tratamento de dermatite atópica severa em pacientes adultos. Pergunta: Dupilumabe e upadacitinibe são mais eficazes e tão seguros quanto ciclosporina ou outros agentes imunossupressores para obter os desfechos de saúde no tratamento sistêmico de dermatite atópica moderada a grave refratária à terapia atópica? Métodos: Levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado na base de dados PUBMED e Cochrane Library, seguindo estratégias de buscas predefinidas. Foi feita avaliação da qualidade metodológica das revisões sistemáticas com a ferramenta AMSTAR2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Resultados: Foram selecionados três estudos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Conclusão: Dupilumabe, upadacitinibe, ciclosporina e azatioprina são mais eficazes que placebo nos desfechos de eficácia (reduzir sinais clínicos em escalas, reduzir sintomas em escalas) para tratamento da dermatite atópica moderada a grave refratária à terapia tópica, mas esses medicamentos não diferem entre si. Dupilumabe, upadacitinibe, ciclosporina e azatioprina são bem tolerados e seguros

Technology: Dupilumab, upadacitinibe. Comparators: Azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil. Indication: Treatment of severe atopic dermatitis in adult patients. Question: Are dupilumab and upadacitinib more effective and as safe as cyclosporine or other immunosuppressive agents for achieving health outcomes in the systemic treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis refractory to atopic therapy? Methods: A bibliographic survey was done in the PUBMED e Cochrane Library databases, following predefined search strategies. The methodological quality of systematic reviews was evaluated using the AMSTAR-2 tool (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Results: Three studies that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Conclusion: Dupilumab, upadacitinib, cyclosporine, and azathioprine are more effective than placebo on efficacy endpoints (reduce clinical signs on scales, reduce symptoms on scales) for treating moderate to severe atopic dermatitis refractory to topical therapy, but these drugs do not differ from each other. Dupilumab, upadacitinib, cyclosporine, and azathioprine are well tolerated and safe

Humans , Male , Female , Dermatitis, Atopic/drug therapy , Immunologic Factors/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Azathioprine/therapeutic use , Methotrexate/therapeutic use , Cyclosporine/therapeutic use , Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized , Janus Kinase Inhibitors
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(1): 43-48, Jan.-Mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430691


Perianal fistula is a common complication of Crohn disease, and it is a great burden on the life and psychology of patients, but its treatment is still a difficult problem to face. In recent years, progress in the treatment of Crohn disease has progressed rapidly due to the advent of biological agents, but there has been a lack of research on perianal fistula in Crohn disease, and the direction of research has been scattered; therefore, the author reviews the traditional treatment of perianal fistula in Crohn disease in the context of the available literature and discusses emerging and potential therapeutic approaches. (AU)

Crohn Disease/complications , Rectal Fistula/surgery , Rectal Fistula/etiology , Oxygen/therapeutic use , Biological Therapy , Rectal Fistula/drug therapy , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 18(3): 83-86, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517026


La hemosiderosis pulmonar idiopática (HPI) es una patología poco frecuente; su distribución geográfica, su incidencia y prevalencia se desconocen de manera exacta a nivel mundial. Tiene una fuerte asociación con condiciones autoinmunes y una adecuada respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor. A pesar de ser una patología grave, presenta una tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad mediana, siempre que se realice un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente femenina con diagnóstico de HPI quien cursó con la triada clásica de esta enfermedad: hemoptisis, anemia ferropénica e infiltrados pulmonares difusos. Se descartaron otras causas de hemorragia pulmonar difusa y se realizó el diagnóstico por biopsia pulmonar. Se trató con esteroides sistémicos e inhalados y azatioprina. Tras casi 2 años después del diagnóstico, estando sin tratamiento por 3 meses, presentó una exacerbación con hemorragia pulmonar masiva ocasionando el fallecimiento de la paciente.

Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is a rare pathology; its geographic distribution, incidence and prevalence are not accurately known worldwide. It has a strong association with autoimmune conditions and has an adequate response to immunosuppressive treatment. Despite being a serious pathology, it has a medium morbidity and mortality rate, provided that early diagnosis and treatment is performed. We present the clinical case of a female patient diagnosed with IPH who presented with the classic triad of this disease: hemoptysis, iron deficiency anemia and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates. Other causes of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage were ruled out and the diagnosis was made by lung biopsy. She was managed with systemic and inhaled steroids and azathioprine. After almost 2 years before the diagnosis, being without treatment for 3 month she had a massive pulmonary hemorrhage, causing the death of the patient.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Hemosiderosis/diagnosis , Hemosiderosis/drug therapy , Lung Diseases/diagnosis , Lung Diseases/drug therapy , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Risk Factors , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemosiderosis/diagnostic imaging , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Lung Diseases/diagnostic imaging
Clin. biomed. res ; 43(2): 116-135, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517476


Introduction: Immunosuppressants (ISS) are the most crucial tools used in the therapeutic regimens of transplant recipients. Nevertheless, these drugs are not the only ones adopted by patients; therefore, knowing the possible drug-drug interactions (DDIs) between immunosuppressants and other drugs commonly used in kidney transplant recipients is essential to ensure the effectiveness and safety of treatments. In this way, the objective is analyzing the DDIs between the immunosuppressants and other commonly used medications on kidney transplant adult recipients with active medical records undergoing post-transplant follow-up for 4.4 years (mean). Methods: First, we performed a cross-sectional study based on patients' records, in which the patient's profile and drugs used were examined, and after we analyzed DDIs by the Micromedex Drug Interactions® database. Results: We analyzed 176 patients with a mean age of 47.6(± 12.5); most were male (67.7%), and the majority received a kidney from a deceased donor (81.4%). Patients were exposed to 15.0 (± 5.4) different medicines after the transplantation, and 7.4 (± 4.0) of these medicines were simultaneous. After analyzing the DDIs according to the severity of interaction, documentation quality interaction effect, clinical management and probable interaction mechanism, the most frequent interaction was with tacrolimus, classified as moderate, and the 3 major causes of interaction occurred with azathioprine according to the Micromedex database. The primary medicines involved with immunosuppressant interactions were proton pump inhibitors, ranitidine, domperidone, amlodipine, enalapril, allopurinol, cyclobenzaprine, amitriptyline, fluoxetine, and ciprofloxacin. These DDIs' effects were related to, mainly, increase their immunosuppressant activity. Conclusion: Although the immunosuppressants analyzed lacked many clinical DDIs significance with other medicines, the healthcare team needs to monitor their DDIs' effects to prevent and minimize side effects in transplanted recipients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Kidney Transplantation , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/epidemiology , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effects , Drug Monitoring/methods , Immunosuppressive Agents/pharmacokinetics
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0062, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529925


RESUMO A coriorretinopatia de Birdshot é uma uveíte posterior bilateral crônica rara que acomete, preferencialmente, mulheres de meia-idade. O quadro clínico é composto de pouco ou nenhum processo inflamatório de segmento anterior, associado a vitreíte e lesões coriorretinianas ovoides branco-amareladas de característica hiperfluorescente na angiofluoresceinografia e hipofluorescente na angiografia com indocianina verde. O tratamento se dá por meio de corticoides e outras drogas imunossupressoras. Todavia, em alguns casos, a doença é refratária a tal terapêutica, sendo necessário lançar mão de outras drogas, como os agentes biológicos. O presente artigo busca relatar um caso de coriorretinopatia de Birdshot em ajuste de terapia imunossupressora que evoluiu com má resposta às drogas iniciais e bom controle após uso de imunobiológico e discutir as opções terapêuticas disponíveis atualmente.

ABSTRACT Birdshot chorioretinopathy is a rare chronic bilateral posterior uveitis that preferentially affects middle-aged women. The clinical picture is composed of little or no anterior segment inflammatory process, associated with vitritis and yellowish-white ovoid chorioretinal lesions with hyperfluorescent characteristics on fluorescein angiography and hypofluorescent characteristics on green indocyanine green angiography. Treatment is with corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs. However, in some cases, the disease is refractory to such therapy, making it necessary to resort to other drugs such as biological agents. The present article seeks to report a case of Birdshot chorioretinopathy in an adjustment of immunosuppressive therapy that evolved with poor response to the initial drugs and good control after the use of immunobiologicals and discuss the currently available therapeutic options.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Birdshot Chorioretinopathy/diagnosis , Birdshot Chorioretinopathy/drug therapy , Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Dexamethasone/administration & dosage , Prednisone/administration & dosage , Fluorescein Angiography , HLA-A Antigens/analysis , Methotrexate/administration & dosage , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Adalimumab/administration & dosage , Glucocorticoids/administration & dosage
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 13: 1-6, dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1413682


Objetivo: Analisar os fatores associados à adesão a terapia imunossupressora em indivíduos transplantados renais. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo de corte transversal, com indivíduos transplantados renais em acompanhamento ambulatorial, na cidade do Recife, Nordeste do Brasil. Utilizou-se a Assessment of Adherence with Immunosuppressive Medication Scale para avaliar a adesão aos imunossupressores. Resultados: Em 147 transplantados renais, foi observada uma prevalência de mulheres (51,70%) com baixa escolaridade e baixo nível socioeconômico (60,54%). A amostra foi composta, em sua maioria, por receptores de enxerto renal proveniente de doador cadáver (50,34%), com tempo de espera para o transplante de até 48 meses (62,59%). A taxa de adesão dos participantes foi de 56,42%, e esteve associada ao tempo médio pós-transplante (p=0,033), com maior índice naqueles com menos de 5 anos de transplante renal. Os fatores associados a não adesão foram atrasos e esquecimentos. Conclusão: Considerando a necessidade de ampliar a taxa de adesão, é fundamental considerar o tempo de transplante renal no planejamento das ações. Além disso, é preciso utilizar estratégias que auxiliem na manutenção da tomada dos imunossupressores conforme prescrição médica a fim de contribuir para a manutenção do enxerto renal. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the factors associated with adherence to immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplant patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, with kidney transplant patients undergoing outpatient follow-up, in the city of Recife, Northeast Brazil. The Assessment of Adherence with Immunosuppressive Medication Scale was used to assess adherence to immunosuppressants. Results: In 147 kidney transplant recipients, there was a prevalence of women (51,70%), with low education and low socioeconomic status (60,54%). The sample consisted, mostly, of kidney graft recipients from cadaver donors (50,34%), with a waiting time for transplantation of up to 48 months (62,59%). The adherence rate of the participants was 56.42%, and was associated with the average post-transplant time (p = 0.033), with a higher rate in those with less than 5 years of kidney transplantation. The factors associated with non-adherence were delays and forgetfulness. Conclusion: Considering the need to increase the adherence rate, it is essential to consider the time of kidney transplantation when planning actions. In addition, it is necessary to use strategies that assist in maintaining the intake of immunosuppressants according to medical prescription in order to contribute to the maintenance of the renal graft. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar los factores asociados a la adherencia a la terapia inmunosupresora en receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal con pacientes con trasplante renal en seguimiento ambulatorio, en la ciudad de Recife, noreste de Brasil. Se utilizó la Assessment of Adherence with Immunosuppressive Medication Scale para evaluar la adherencia a los inmunosupresores. Resultados: En 147 receptores de trasplante renal, hubo una prevalencia de mujeres (51,70%), con bajo nivel educativo y nivel socioeconómico bajo (60,54%). La muestra estuvo compuesta, mayoritariamente, por receptores de injerto renal de donante cadáver (50,34%), con un tiempo de espera para el trasplante de hasta 48 meses (62,59%). La tasa de adherencia de los participantes fue del 56,42% y se asoció con el tiempo medio pos trasplante (p = 0,033), con una tasa mayor en aquellos con menos de 5 años de trasplante renal. Los factores asociados a la no adherencia fueron los retrasos y el olvido. Conclusión: Considerando la necesidad de incrementar la tasa de adherencia, es fundamental considerar el momento del trasplante renal a la hora de planificar acciones. Además, es necesario utilizar estrategias que ayuden a mantener la ingesta de inmunosupresores según prescripción médica para contribuir al mantenimiento del injerto renal. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Immunosuppression Therapy , Kidney Transplantation , Medication Adherence , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Cross-Sectional Studies , Patient Compliance , Self Report
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(10): 1317-1324, oct. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431847


BACKGROUND: Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is a largely used immunosuppressive agent in the prevention of transplant rejection and lupus nephritis. Its use has been extended to other immune-mediated diseases (ID). AIM: To assess the off-label use of MMF, its performance as a glucocorticoid sparing agent, the therapeutic response, and its adverse effects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed. One hundred-seven patients aged 58 ± 16 years (83% females) who received MMF for ID in off label uses between 2016 and 2018 were included. The study variables were cause of MMF indication, sex, age, use as a first- or second-line treatment and maintenance dosing. The cumulative doses of glucocorticoids six months before and after MMF indication were compared. RESULTS: MMF was used as a second-line therapy in 66 patients (62%). The mean maintenance dose of MMF was 1,500 ± 540 mg/day. Prednisone cumulative doses were 3,908 ± 2,173 and 1,672 ± 1,083 milligrams six months before and six months after starting MMF, respectively (p < 0.01). Adverse effects were identified in 21 (20%) cases, none of them serious. CONCLUSIONS: Mycophenolate has a favorable response profile as a second line immunosuppressive agent. It is effective as a glucocorticoid sparing drug. The safety profile is also favorable as adverse effects were scanty and mild.

Humans , Male , Female , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Mycophenolic Acid/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Off-Label Use , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effects
J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 14(Suplemento 2)20220800.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1412594


Objetivo: Avaliar a relação de custo-efetividade dos regimes imunossupressores utilizados em pacientes receptores de transplante renal, no Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Juiz de Fora, MG, basiliximabe, micofenolato de sódio, tacrolimo e prednisona (Grupo 1 = 93 pacientes), comparados com a associação de timoglobulina, everolimo, tacrolimo e prednisona (Grupo 2 = 91 pacientes). Métodos: Para a análise farmacoeconômica, foi utilizado o modelo de Árvore de Decisão, desenvolvido no software Treeage Suite 2011. Foi considerada uma coorte real de pacientes submetidos ao transplante renal entre janeiro de 2013 e março de 2017, os quais foram acompanhados por um período de um ano, sendo mensurados os benefícios clínicos, bem como os custos associados, na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. O método de custeio utilizado foi o botton-up. Foram adotados os limiares de custo-efetividade (LCEs) equivalentes a 1 PIB per capita e 1 a 3 PIB, considerando o ano de 2017. Resultados: No que diz respeito à sobrevida, a RCEI foi de cerca de R$ 214.234,12 para 1 ano de vida ganho. Em relação aos eventos adversos, a RCEI foi de cerca de R$ 43.682,98 para 1 ano sem incidência de eventos adversos. Conclusões: Ao avaliar a sobrevida e a incidência de eventos adversos, timoglobulina+everolimo não é considerado custo-efetivo em relação ao esquema contendo basiliximabe+micofenolato de sódio diante do LCE de 1 PIB per capita. No entanto, ao adotarmos o LCE até 3 PIB per capita, o regime contendo moglobulina+everolimo é custo-efetivo, ultrapassando cerca de 38% do PIB per capita.

Objective: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of immunosuppressive regimens used in kidney transplant recipients at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Hospital in Juiz de Fora, MG, compared with basiliximab, mycophenolate sodium, tacrolimus and prednisone (Group 1 = 93 patients) with the association of thymoglobulin, everolimus, tacrolimus and prednisone (Group 2 = 91 patients). Methods: For the pharmacoeconomic analysis, the Decision Tree model was used, developed in the TreeAge Suite 2011 software. A real cohort of patients undergoing kidney transplantation between January 2013 and March 2017 was considered, they were followed up for a period of 1 year, where the clinical benefits were measured, as well as the associated costs, from the perspective

Kidney Transplantation , Economics, Pharmaceutical , Everolimus , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis , Immunosuppressive Agents , Mycophenolic Acid
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(6): 705-710, jun. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424121


BACKGROUND: IgG4-related disease (IgG4 RD) is an immune-mediated fibro-inflammatory disorder, with tissue infiltration of IgG4+ plasma cells. It causes pseudotumors, tumors, and a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. AIM: To report the clinical, laboratory, histopathological and treatment characteristics of a group of Chilean patients with IgG4 RD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Review of medical records of 52 patients aged 18 to 76 years with IgG4 RD seen at six medical centers. RESULTS: Elevated IgG4 serum levels (> 135 mg/dl) were found in 18 of 44 (41%) patients. There was histological confirmation of the disease in 46 patients. The most common sites of involvement were lungs, eyes and kidneys. Eighteen (35%) patients had only one organ involved, 34 (65%) patients had two organs and 13 (25%) patients had three or more organs. The involvement of two organs was significantly more common in men (p < 0.05). In patients with only one organ involvement, the most frequent location was orbital and meningeal. All patients with kidney or lung disease had multiorgan involvement. All patients received corticosteroid therapy, 67% synthetic immunosuppressants, and 16% rituximab. CONCLUSIONS: ER-IgG4 can affect any tissue. Multiorgan involvement was more common in this series, with preference for lungs, eyes and kidneys. An excellent response to steroids is characteristic of the disease, but with a high relapse rate that requires additional immunosuppression.

Humans , Male , Autoimmune Diseases/drug therapy , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/drug therapy , Immunoglobulin G , Rituximab/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Kidney/pathology
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 38(2): 106-116, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407767


Resumen El trasplante pulmonar implica una serie de desafíos, que como lo ha demostrado la historia, no sólo depende de un adecuado desarrollo de técnicas quirúrgicas, sino también de la comprensión de una serie de complejas interacciones inmunológicas celulares y humorales que serán las responsables del tipo de respuesta (innata y/o adquirida) fisiológica y que pudiesen desencadenar las complicaciones asociadas al trasplante (rechazo hiperagudo, agudo o crónico). Cada una de las cuales tiene su potencial prevención y/o tratamiento. El poder conocer esta serie de respuestas, permite al clínico anticiparse a algunos de estos eventos y evitar de mejor forma el daño y las consecuencias que pueden producir en los casos de trasplante pulmonar.

Lung transplantation involves a series of challenges, which as history has shown, depends not only on an adequate development of surgical techniques, but also on the understanding of a series of complex cellular and humoral immunological interactions that will be responsible for the type of physiological response (innate - acquired) and that could trigger the complications associated with transplantation (hyperacute, acute or chronic rejection). Each of which has its potential prevention and treatment. Being able to know this series of responses, allows the clinician to anticipate some of these events and to avoid in a better way the damage and the consequences that can occur in cases of lung transplantation.

Humans , Transplantation Immunology/immunology , Lung Transplantation , Graft Rejection/immunology , T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Autoimmunity , Nuclear Factor 45 Protein , Graft Rejection/prevention & control , Immunity, Cellular , Immunity, Innate , Immunosuppressive Agents